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business development
because business as usual won't do.
full-day seminar

Our most popular seminar.

Typically 6-8 hours, full-day seminars explore and challenge existing business practices and identify areas of opportunities. Educational, entertaining and interactive, full-day seminars also include breakout working sessions where attendees create new ideas that can be implemented immediately.


Do the UnThinQable, click below for more information or to schedule a full-day seminar for your business, organization or group, 

half-day seminar

Ok... so full-day seminars aren't your thing, not to worry. Typically 3-4 hours in length, half-day seminars explore and challenge existing business practices and identify areas of opportunities. They're still educational, entertaining, and interactive, but don't have the breakout working sessions that full-day workshops include. Hey... we had to cut back someplace!


Click below for more info or to schedule a half-day seminar and be the hero of your business, organization or group.

design your own

Have something specific in mind for your business, organization or group? Awesome! We love "UnThinQers!"

From one-hour to multiple days. Keynotes, workshops, seminars and even digital webinars, we can customize our products to meet your business and professional needs.


Let's talk and find out what works best for you. Just click below to get the conversation started!


Maybe crowds aren't your thing and you'd rather have some one-on-one time instead. I can do that!

Phone call, video chat, in-office or perhaps an off-property meeting at a favorite cafe, let's plan on getting together soon.


Contact me by clicking below and let's explore what works best for your individual needs. I'll even buy the coffee/tea!

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